Friday, April 1, 2011

Assessment for Ingaged Learning

I keep forgetting all the ways that a teacher can assess student learning. There is so much variety in the ways that you can and the results you get. I have heard that feedback assessment was the most beneficial before, but not until after my practicum. I tried to use the class rubric and discuss the good work and bad work with them, but i wasn't consistent with bringing up the rubric every week to remind them what they had to do. Of course by the end of the project some of the students didn't meet the rubric because they had forgotten what they were supposed to do.  I love the idea of public feedback, and of establishing a learning community. I think I understand now how I can try to establish it. You have to teach the students how to assess themselves and others in a constructive way and get them used to giving and receiving that assessment. I love the statement "is that helpful or hurtful?" The goal for everyone was to better their work and not focused on grade.  I have always wanted to be that teacher to move the students learning up 2 or 3 grade levels. The rubrics do not have to be created all at once but a few questions at a time and very clearly outlined and defined. I would take one class to create an outline rubric with the students but I wouldn't go into the depth that really would have assisted them now that I look back. I love the idea of sending the rubrics home with parents and having workshops to help parents give critical feedback. That was something that always frustrated me as a student. My parents would say "good job" and I would say why and what was good and my parents were not prepared and did not have the skills to give me that feedback.

-teacher took small photos of students and had them self assess on behavior every day 1-4, Velcro,
- getting students to document their own work with a video camera
-having a class blog and website
-video documenting a project process
-Involving parents purposely
-sending rubrics home

This was the best presentation I have had this semester!

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