Friday, January 21, 2011

Kate's and D'Arcy's Presentations

I have used Prezi before in a presentation but I did not know about Google docs. I'm not sure if this would help me out at all because it sounds like it is just the same as the windows programs. Though everyone would like to say that they don't support a multi- billion dollar monopoly, why fix what isnt broken? I understand that you can work on the projects from anywhere but in my first year i will be at the school till late hours  and probably working on my own laptop. The second presentation was more to do with what is possible with  a little technology. I think the idea is great for secondary students but not elementary. It would be very unlikely that all the students would have access to Iphones. It brings into question of whether a teacher would even want to bring Iphones into the classroom for independant movies. I know that my students from my last practicum would not have been able to handle it and they were a very well behaved and focused group. I was hoping that in these presentations we would go over how to use this software and little backdoor codes or cheats we could use to make things easier. 

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